People from 24-98 answered our call. They spoke in response to prompts and the others listened carefully enough to repeat verbatim what they heard. Then roles reversed. When they were heard correctly, the conversation continued if needed.
Trust built over 50 hours. Some shared so openly that they cannot share it with the public. We are sharing what is allowed so that you might feel this experience and try it yourself. In every case, it was cathartic, bonding, and worth doing.
Opening Event: January 13, 4-6pm
Exhibit runs January 9-30
408 E B Saunders Way, Clarksburg, WV
2nd Floor Auditorium
call 304 629-6777 to schedule a group visit
November 21, 7pm
Dismantling Racism Together group
Morgantown, WV
Exhibit runs October 28-November 5
425 Spruce Street, Morgantown, WV
Opening Night: November 11, 5-7pm
Exhibit runs November 11 to December 10
814 Washington St, Lewisburg, WV
Friday October 14, 5pm
Rhododendron Room, Mountainlair, Morgantown, WV
September 9 | 6- 8 PM | 2nd Floor